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7 minutes to learn about the history of packaging(2)

Views: 50     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-03-10      Origin: Site


In the Eastern Han period, Cai Lun invented paper making, making it the first time that paper, a packaging material that was to become a big hit in later times, appeared in front of the world, and with the maturity of iron smelting technology, there were various kinds of refined packaging made from nature, such as bamboo baskets, which were made from bamboo. It was during this period that the ancestors of the bamboo maker, the gimmer, etc., emerged, which also included a great deal of paper packaging, which was still mainly used as a convenience point of view, such as paper for medicine and paper for wrapping meat, which we often see in television dramas.

To this day we can still see some representative products of this industry, bamboo baskets and wooden barrels that have been used at home for many years. All of them can be seen as products of this stage of development.


As silkworms were raised in China long before the manufacture of silk, silk was commonly used as a packaging material among the nobility in ancient times before the art of papermaking, while some valuable jewellery and jade began to become favourites among the nobility due to their rarity. At the same time the development of iron making technology also led to the development of ironware, due to the scarcity in ancient times, so until modern times, although the price of silk has been very low, but in the packaging industry, he is still a symbol of high class.

After that, due to social productivity, products are in short supply, all packaging is actually the items that contain things, there is no strict sense of the modernization of the mark.

It was not until the Industrial Revolution in Britain occurred, machines replaced people as the main force of production, products were greatly ample, so packaging as propaganda for the first time on the stage of history, coupled with the continuous changes in technology, printing technology leaps and bounds, as packaging finally got rid of the subordinate position in the past, turned over to be the master, officially entered the stage of modern society, while China due to the closed-door policy of feudal society It was not until the Republic of China that packaging was developed, lagging far behind foreign countries, but after so many years of development, the packaging industry has made great strides, whether from design to production has formed its own unique culture.

As a product of social development, packaging is increasingly able to influence people's buying behaviour. Modern society is a society of advertising, and a good packaging can make your product have a better persuasive power.


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